Confessons of a Chuck E Cheese Employee: Volume 5
Well, we have yet another one for the ongoing Confessions of a CEC employee, but his time, i don't have to completely anonymize their identity (I'm using their Discord username for this)
Some "typos" remain as that's how the person meant to put it
Me: where's your CEC location and how long have you been working there?
Rizzanator: (LOCATION REDACTED BY REQUEST) and I’ve been working there four months so far
Me: how are you liking it so far?
Rizzanator: I like it, all my coworkers are pretty nice and the job is chill
Me: What stage do/did you have (if you don't have the 2.0 dance floor)
Rizzanator: We had a studio C cappa with 16m before we got 2.0
I do the mascot costume kid check mostly and whatever else we need filled for the day
Me: did you ever walk inside one of the costumes while working?
Rizzanator: Yes I do it every time I work pretty much
Me: how's it like for you?
Rizzanator: I like it and it’s honestly the highlight of the job for me
Me: was it smelly and such in there?
Rizzanator: Uhhh not at all tbh
It smells like they clean it at least enough for it to not smell like sweat or anything
It juts smells like cleaning supplies
Me: Gotcha
Me: did they take away most of the play area stuff like the tubes and such when they turned it into a 2.0 location?
Rizzanator: Yes they def did they added trampoline things but they took away mostly everything from before
They kept some old games I believe tho
Me: make you wonder if it's even worth going to now
Rizzanator: Yes definitely, I only ever went for the animatronics as a kid so it’s just kinda weird with the big tv and stuff
Me: right... btw, how do the kids feel/act around the "dance floor"
Rizzanator: They play on it quit a lot and they get excited for me to come out and dance with them from a business standpoint I feel that 2.0 is more engaging for today's kids
Me: I know i grew up in the animatronic age, but I'm sure FNAF factored in with the scare factor, what about you?
Rizzanator: Uhhhh it got me into animatronics tbh but I was never rlly scared of them I just found it so cool how they looked somewhat realistic I always went to the 3 stage in Phoenix AZ as a kid and it was pretty upsetting when they remodeled I don’t think I could even go back
Me: who's your favorite of the band members, btw?
Rizzanator: Mr munch tbh bcuz he looks so cute on the 3 stage to me and I think he juts has a funny personality but honestly mostly cuz the 3 stage bot is so cute imo
Me: how would you compare today's CEC to the CEC of old (or even the original Pizza Time Theater)
Rizzanator: I definitely prefer the old bcuz I just feel like everything was better the characters,voices,atmosphere and even the animatronics
Me: tbh, i feel like a lot of the uniqueness went away when 2.0 started
Rizzanator: I agree 100% it just feels like a downsized Dave n busters
Me: speaking of, I wen to one of those earlier this week (the week this interview was being done on)
Rizzanator: Yea I prefer them game wise for sure lol
Me: i can see the comparison for sure, btw
Rizzanator: Yea I see a lot of ppl see how they seem to try to mimick the generic arcade scene of today
Me: also, better prizes for D&B vs CEC
Rizzanator: Dave n busters tbh CeC mostly has Chuck E. Cheese merch which would be cool if your into it like me but from a person standpoint Dave n busters has more selection for older kids
Me: i saw a NINTENDO SWITCH as a prize
Rizzanator: Ohhhhh that’s cool I’ve never seen that at mine
Me: and to clarify, i mean at D&B
Rizzanator: I know lol def wouldn’t expect that at a CEC
Me: let's face it, the CEC we know is dead
Rizzanator: I agree tbh, it lost pretty much lost all its charm in the remodel
Me: now they have to do things like sell in the frozen isle, seen those?
Rizzanator: The pizzas they sell?
Me: Yes
Rizzanator: Yes I saw them at my local fry’s lol
Me: Thoughts?
Rizzanator: I think it’s interesting to see CeC stuff in stores but I never tried it lol
Me: Neither have I tbh
Rizzanator: Yea idk I’ve heard mixed stuff abt it
Me: plus i don't go there, so what am I to do with the included e-tickets
Rizzanator: True lol i don’t visit often unless it’s to work or a legacy store some time in the future to see some animatronics
Me: what kind of arcade games are in the game room these days?
Rizzanator: Uhhh tbh a lot of games geared towards kids and a few that could maybe be entertaining for an older audience
Me: Is there any of the classics like members of the Pac-Family, Galaga, or the like?
Rizzanator: No, but there is a trolley with a PTT chuck on it I’m pretty sure that’s the oldest thing we have at ours
Me: Ah.... Do you ever get to play in the game room while on the clock
Rizzanator: Never lol it seems only the game room attendant can do that
Me: if you were alive in the older days, would you have preferred Pizza Time Theater or Showbiz Pizza Place?
Rizzanator: Pizza time theater probably cuz I like showbiz but the controversy with Aaron Fechter kinda pushed me away ☠️
It’s not a super Big interest of mine
I prefer the CeC characters too, tbh
Me: I'm not going to ask about the big deal with Aaron Fechter is since I'm sure that'd be an topic all to itself
Rizzanator: Omg it would ☠️ he’s just made some not so appropriate remarks abt ppl
I also prefer CEC due to the simple fact I prefer the characters I like mice/rats a lot so he always caught my eye more tbh
Me: I see....
Rizzanator: Mr munch and Chuck are my favs form CEC
My fav rock afire character is probably Fatz
Me: I know this may be common knowledge, but CEC/PTT has some Atari DNA in it with who founded (or co-founded) it,
Rizzanator: Ohh yea Nolan created it and stuff but he doesn’t seem to involved with the company nowadays tbh
Me: that's a sign of trouble when your CREATOR is mostly uninvolved
Rizzanator: Fr ☠️ I don’t think he’d have gone through with 2.0 if he was still more involved
Me: Do you happen to have any stories from your time at CEC you'd like to share?
like anything you remember from your time working there
Rizzanator: Ehhhh honestly it’s pretty chill mostly just kids hitting me in the costume and parent getting mad I didn’t see there kid lol
Me: at least you didn't get hit "down there" like in this AFV clip
Rizzanator: Omg 😭 kids r ruthless
Me: and to send it to ABC for it to air around 7-8 PM on a Sunday... then again with syndication
Rizzanator: Fr 😭 luckily that never happened to me and even if it did I don’t think it would hurt all to bad lol
ME: Just hope this didn't get any of the $15,000 prize money
Rizzanator: lol ☠️
Me: going from what we were talking about off the record
do you think CEC Corp managers would change anything if more workers spoke out about their experience?
Rizzanator: Ehhhh since there so scared to ruin there image I could see them making a fuss abt smthn little like that especially for somebody who’s still employed like me
Me: gotcha, which is why you wanted your location redacted
Rizzanator: Yes lol idk how they’d react to me saying anything abt my location lol
Me: one thing i don't get about CEC's beverage menu, considering its main target being kids..... alcohol
Rizzanator: Frrr it makes parents act up too
Me: Who's worse, a rowdy kid, or a drunk parent
Rizzanator: Drunk parents for sure cuz they can get violent and loud ☠️
Rowdy kids don’t do all to much damage
Me: Another thing I've brought up to everyone i spoke to so far: the rumor of recycled pizza
what's your take on it?
Rizzanator: Definitely not true as every time I go into the kitchen I see somebody making it fresh lol
Me:Just wondering, Will CEC ever get out of the shadow of the FNAF franchise anytime soon when it comes to animatronic talk? I mean, just look at last year's Five Nights of Fun event
Rizzanator:I don’t think so tbh considering it seems the game is based on CeC itself and even removing animatronics didn’t seem to help
Me: Any advice for anyone wanting to work at CEC in the foreseeable future? Provided it still is in business when they get that chance
Rizzanator: Uh tbh just be nice to everybody and they’ll be not apt to be nice to you especially if your dealing with an impatient/grumpy parent
Me: What's your favorite and least favorite part working there?
Rizzanator: My favorite part is dressing in the costume my least favorite part is probably standing around doing nothing at kid check ☠️
Me: TBH, i think the only good thing with all this modernization: having to keep up with all the tokens and tickets
Rizzanator: That’s true I did like to tokens better but it true it’s better to not lose them
Me: Not to mention if you won a lot of tickets in a game
Rizzanator: True that’s def frustrating
Me: Any last words?
Rizzanator: Uhhhh not specifically except even tho I disagree with 2.0 I’m happy abt the legacy locations and think it’s a good step and I do think 2.0 was good for the business perspective of things
Me: Thanks for letting me talk to you about your CEC experience
Rizzanator: No problem thanks for interviewing 🙂
Me: and hope for continued success in your career
even in the post CEC era
Rizzanator: Thank you
lol true I hope they add some more stuff soon tho
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